Home Different informations Secret passage and skeleton from Hittite period founding in Turkey

Secret passage and skeleton from Hittite period founding in Turkey

Skeleton and passage from Alacahöyük site in Turkey

During the excavations in archeological site Alacahöyük in central Anatolia archeologists uncovered secret passage or some kind of tunnel.  At the same location, archeologists also discovered the remains of skeleton.  Scientists assume that skeleton is about 3.300 years old.  What they found in Alacahöyük site they assume that belong to period of Hittite empire.

This is not first research in Alacahöyük. During the previous excavations, archeologists learned that this site was also home of humans from neolithic period and Early Bronze age. One of the first research in Alacahöyük led by Ottoman archeologist Theodor Makridi Bey in 1907. Discovery of skeleton could have significant implications for historians in further studies about living during the period of Hittite empire because some periods of Hittite history still not enough explored.

The holder of the excavations is the Ministry of Culture and scientists from Ankara University.

Recently “Daily Sabah” published a short video about excavation in Alacahöyük. See it bellow.


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