Ancient Rome

The class struggle in Rome during 20′ and 30′ of the II century BC

The first uprisings of slaves in Roman Republic During thirties of the II century BC aggravation of the internal situation culminated in Rome. This was...

Roman foreign policy and Gaius Marius military reforms by the end of I century BC

Gaius Marius (157 – 86 BC) Gaius Marius was a "novus homo",  he originated from the Latin family near the city Arpinum. He was uneducated,...

Social struggle in Roman Republic at the end of the II and at the beginning of the I century BC

The second slave uprising in Sicily (Second Servile war) In 104 BC near Capua, was an unsuccessful slave uprising with a 3.500 armed slaves, which...

First Mithridatic War and the role of Lucius Cornelius Sulla in Rome (89-87 BC)

The first Mithridatic war (89-85 BC) Mithridates VI Eupator  - King of Pontus (120 -63BC). His father was Mithridates V which led origin from Achaemenids, and...

Lucius Cornelius Sulla as dictator

In the spring of 83 BC, 40.000 Sulla’s troops landed at Brundisium. Young Gnaeus Pompeius, approached to Sulla and brought to him two of...

Political course of consul Marcus Aemilius Lepidus and Quintus Sertorius after the death of Sulla (78-72 BC)

Soon after Sulla's death opposition towards Sulla’s regime became stronger. City plebs was dissatisfied with the abolition of grain distribution and they wanted to...

Third Servile War in Roman Republic 73-71BC (Spartacus rebellion)

The largest Servile War started (after First and Second uprising of slaves)  simultaneously with a bitter class struggle, during the time of Quintus Sertorius ...

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