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Ancient Greece

Peisistratos and Cleisthenes era in Athens (561-508. B.C)

Peisistratos (Pisistratus)- after the departure of Solon from Athens, the political struggle was continued. For the government in Athens fought three parties: the party...

The Greco-Persian Wars (First Persian invasion of Greece 492-490 B.C)

Persian emperor Darius I 513 BC. went to Europe. He crossed the Bosporus and invaded Thrace. He then headed north across the Danube and...

The Greco-Persian Wars (Second Persian invasion of Greece 480-479 BC)

Darius died in 486 BC and was succeeded by his son Xerxes, who had suppressed the rebellion in Egypt and moved to Greece. The...

Athens pentecontaetia

It was a fifty-year period between the Greco-Persian and Peloponnesian wars. In this period, the Athenians have gained dominance in the Aegean Sea, economically...

Peloponnesian War (431-404 B.C)

In 431 BC began the war between Athens and the Peloponnesian League cities. On the side of Athens were fighting members of Delian-Attic Alliance...

Spartan hegemony (404-371 B.C) after the Peloponnesian War

After the spartan king Lysander defeated Athenian fleet at the naval Battle of Aegospotami in 405 BC, the Athens finally lost the Peloponnesian War. Sparta became...

Theban hegemony over Greece (371-362 BC)

In Boeotia (region of the central Greece in ancient times known as a large crop area), dozen city-states were established. The most oldest and...

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